Monday, October 20, 2008

Chapter 1- Living in the Media World

In a newspaper articles the sender is the newspaper staff. The messages are the content of the articles being printed. They encode the message by forming their ideas into a message and then create the article using those ideas. The receivers are the subscribers of the newspaper and targeted readers. They decode the message and try to interpret what the sender is trying to relay to them. In return the readers give feedback to the newspaper company through continuing subscriptions and letters to the editor. Noise could be other newspapers, other forms of media, and public opinion.

Magazines are very similar to newspapers. Like newspapers the sender is the magazine company. They use their ideas to form a message and encode it using pictures, words, and familiar concepts. The reader and/or subscriber is the receiver of the messages and decodes what they believe the magazine company is trying to tell them. The reader gives the magazine company feedback by buying the product they are selling, continuing to subscribe and letters to the editor. Noise could again be other media, advertisements within the magazines, and reputation of the magazine.

The senders in radio are the radio stations. They determine what messages will be sent on their stations. They encode their messages using words, sounds and music. By creating a picture in the listeners head. The receivers are the listeners and they use the words and songs to determine the meaning that is trying to be shared. The listeners give feedback by calling into the stations and voicing their opinions to the station hosts. Noise could be external noise or cars and static, commercials and other people talking.

I would say that the television network is the sender but you could also add that the advertisers on the networks are also sending different messages as is each program on the network. Within a single program the director is the sender. He encodes his message with images, words, music and sounds. The receiver uses those images to depict the message, although some are easier then others. Some messages are deeper then others. Feedback is received through ratings, letters and web response.

I think that the model fits some media better then others. I feel that it fits the best for radio, then newspapers and magazines, and the least like television. I also think it can be broken down into smaller sections within each media.

Newspapers are the best at informing. All of the news for the day is in front of you and you can pick what issues interest you the most. I think TV is the next best giving you a quick summary of everything that is happening.

For Entertainment I would say that TV or magazines are the best media. TV is a medium that a lot of individuals turn to, to distract themselves from the world.

I think that newspapers are the best persuasive medium. News papers are suppose to be unbiased. The opinions shared in newspapers have a large influence on readers.

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